Running a class is hard! We are figuring out the due dates week-by-week and modifying them to see what works best for both you and us. This will change, so please do not get too attached to anything you see here.
This also means, a lot of our content is not complete yet. No, our last lecture is not available yet for you to read through. We will make sure things are published before we announce them publicly, but do not expect every link you see down here to work yet.
Week 1
- Topics: System Design, Block Diagrams, and Example Circuits
- Lecture 01: System Design, 10-11 AM @ 4-159
- Office Hours: 11 AM - 1 PM (Will), 1PM - 3 PM (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
- Assignment 1: System block diagram due 1/9/24 before lab, Install PCB software before lab
- Topics: Introduction to Electrical CAD
- Lab 01: Introduction to Electrical CAD, 10AM - 12PM @ 6C-006A
- Office Hours: 12PM - 5 PM (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
- Assignment 2: Schematic capture of example circuits due 1/10/24 EOD
- Topics: Component Selection, Bypassing, Datasheets, Footprints, and Power Ratings
- Lecture 02: Components, Schematic Capture, 10-11 AM @ 4-159
- Office Hours: 11 AM - 1 PM (Will), 1PM - 3 PM (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
- Assignment 2: Full Schematic capture due 1/12/24 EOD
- Topics: Schematic Review
- Lab 02: 1:1 Schematic review and feedback, 10AM - 12PM @ 6C-006A
- Office Hours: 12 PM - 2 PM (Sarah, Jesse), 2 PM - until people leave (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
- Assignment 2: Full Schematic capture due 1/12/24 EOD
- Topics: PCB Layout
- Lecture 3: Layout, 10-11 AM @ 4-159
- Office Hours: 11 AM - 1PM (Will), 1PM - until people leave (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
- Assignment 2-3: Full Schematic capture due 1/12/24 EOD , Footprint + Digikey Part Number Assignment, PCB Room Layout due 1/16/24 Before lab
Week 2
1/15/24 (Monday)
- MLK Day, no lecture, enjoy the break! :)
1/16/24 (Tuesday)
- Topics: Soldering, SMD Reflow, and Practical Skills
- Lab 03: Soldering SMD components by hand
- Assignment 4: First draft of layout due 1/17/24 EOD
- Office Hours: 12PM - 1PM (Jesse + Sarah), 1PM - 2:30PM (Marissa), 12PM - 2PM (Deepta), 2PM - 5PM (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
1/17/24 (Wednesday)
- Topics: PCB Layout (Continued)
- Lecture 04: Layout, 10-11 AM @ 4-145
- Assignment 4: First draft of layout due 1/17/24 EOD
- Office Hours: 11AM - 12 PM (Sarah), 11 AM - 1 PM (Will + Jesse), 12:30 PM - 2 PM (Mia), 2 PM - 5 PM (Winnie) @ 6C-006A
1/18/24 (Thursday)
- Layout Office Hours All Day!
- Lab 04: Layout and 1:1 Feedback
- Assignment 4: Final draft of layout due 1/19/24 EOD. You cannot turn this in late
- Office Hours: 12 PM - 1PM (Will + Jesse + Sarah), 1 PM - 2:30 PM (Marissa), 12 PM - 2 PM (Deepta), 2 PM - Until people leave or 5PM, whatever is later(Winnie) @ 6C-006A
1/19/24 (Friday)
- Topics: PWM, Digital Communication (I2C, SPI, UART), Differential Pair signaling
- Lecture 05: Digital Communications
- Assignment 4: Final draft of layout due 1/19/24 EOD. You cannot turn this in late
- Office Hours: 11 AM - 12 PM (Marissa), 11 AM - 1 PM (Will + Jesse), 1PM - Until people leave or 5PM, whatever is later(Winnie) @ 6C-006A
Week 3
- Topics: order of population, systematic debugging, tools for debugging, case study
- Assignment: None for a few days! Give yourself a bit of a break! You did it and made a PCB in 2 weeks!!!
- Lecture 06: Population
- Office hours: By request
- Topics: population, debugging
- Lab 5: Population + Debugging of PCBs
- Office hours: 12PM - 1 PM (Sarah), 1 PM - 2:30 PM (Marissa)
- Topics: case study on debugging to reinforce process
- Lecture 07: Debugging
- Office hours: By request
- Lab 5 Continued: Keep assembling boards if you’re not done populating, and start debugging if you are.
- Office hours: 12 PM - 1PM (Will + Sarah), 1 PM - 2:30 PM (Marissa), 12 PM - 2 PM (Deepta)
- Lecture 08: Optional: Programming microcontrollers 101
- Office hours: By Request
- Assignment 5: Bringup plan for your own PCB due Monday EOD
Note: we don’t actually know when the boards will come in. so start considering bring up plan in the meantime?
Week 4
- Topics: Signal Integrity, Simulation
- Lecture 09: Advanced PCB Design Considerations, 10AM - 11AM @ 4-159
- Office hours: 11AM - 1PM (Will), 1PM - 5PM (Winnie)
- Lab 6: Assembling your boards! 10AM - 12PM @ 6C-006A
- Office hours: 12PM - 2PM (Deepta), 1PM - 2:30PM (Marissa), 2:30PM - 4PM (Mia), 2:30PM - 4:30PM (Sarah), 3PM - 5PM (Jesse)
- Topics: Miscellaneous Considerations, Feedback, Reflections
- Lecture 10: Additional PCB Topics, 10AM - 11AM @ 4-159
- Office hours: 11AM - 12PM (Will), 1PM - 2PM (Mia), 1PM - 5PM (Winnie)
- Lab 6 Continued: Assembling your boards! 10AM - 12PM @ 6C-006A
- Office hours: 12:30PM - 2:30PM (Sarah), 1PM - 2:30PM (Marissa), 2:30PM - 4PM (Mia), 3PM - 5PM (Jesse)
- “Lecture” 11: Final showcase and party :) We booked 4-159 until 3PM