It's worth mentioning that we haven't listed everything here! There's a lot of resources that are mentioned in the lecture notes where they're relevant - feel free to dig through those!
Generally Useful Books
Not all of these are listed publicly because of copyright, but let us know if you have trouble finding one of them - we can definitely help :)
- The Art of Electronics, by Horowitz and Hill. Covers all the basics quite well, although the digital section is representative of a slightly different era. Basically the one book that every EE knows about.
- Practical Electronics for Inventors. Honest and down-to-earth reference for making real electronic systems.
- Principles of Power Electronics, by Kassakian, Schlecht, and Verghese. It’s the textbook for 6.334 (here’s the OCW for it), and one of my favorite books. Commonly called KSV at MIT.
- Open Circuits, just an amazing photographic exploration of the internal structures of electrical components.
- Listed on the side of this page. Also, come by for build nights! We’re friendly folk.
YouTube Channels
These are more for entertainment than anything, but we kinda like them :)
- CuriousMarc
- The Signal Path
- ElectroBOOM
- Strange Parts
- Proto G Engineering
- Stuff Made Here
- Applied Science
- StyroPyro
- Ben Katz
- Samy Kamkar
- Sam Zeloof
- Mr Carlson’s Lab
- TannerTech
- mikeselectricstuff
- devttys0
- EEVBlog
- PhotonicInduction
- Carl Bugeja
- Stephen Haws
PCBs / Fab Houses
- PCBShopper will compare rates between fab houses, with sometimes questionable results - but useful for a first-pass!
North America
Motors + Control
- Electric Motor Control — Sang Hoon Kim
- Dynamometers for Dummies
- Modeling of PMSMs
- IPM Equations Derivation